No one stays young forever. Old age brings with it a lot of physical and mental changes to the human body and mind. One serious dilemma of old age is hair deterioration. People who cross 45 or 50 years of age start losing volume and thickness, and it’s completely natural.
Hair thinning and hair fall are also linked to nutritional deficiencies and genetics. More often than not, hair loss in women and men doesn’t relate to overall health conditions. Nevertheless, it does cause self-esteem and mental health issues in people. Hair loss is a common concern for which people turn to various homemade remedies and clinical treatments to get back the volume, thickness, and strength.
We have written this blog to bring to your knowledge the causes of hair thinning, how to prevent hair loss using home remedies, and when to see a doctor.
Causes of hair loss in men and women
Hair fall, to some extent, is considered normal. Age is one of the factors that cause people to lose volume and strength. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), people losing 50-100 hairs a day isn’t a point of concern. Once these hairs are out, new hairs regrow from these same follicles.
Over the course of time, some follicles become narrow and stop producing hair. Hair shafts are finer, and discolouration of hair is also experienced. If you experience hair thinning or feel that bald patches are developing on your head, you may be a victim of hair fall.
The good news is that it is treatable. But first, let’s talk about the causes of hair loss in women and men.
Pattern hair loss
Be it male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness, both fall under the umbrella of androgenetic alopecia. Androgenetic alopecia is either caused by hormonal problems or it comes with genes.
Being the most common cause of hair loss in men and women, androgenetic alopecia has affected 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States. When it comes to a high percentage of people affected by pattern baldness, UK is not behind the USA.
According to Genetics Home Reference, a handbook on cells and DNA, including genes and chromosomes, the chance of getting affected by Androgenetic alopecia grows more as the personages. People who cross their 50s start experiencing hair loss to some degree. Females tend to face it following menopause.
It is likely that people suffering from Androgenetic alopecia will have family members suffering from the same condition. Hair thinning in men can be seen clearly from the hairline to the back of the head. While in females, the crown of the head is affected the most. Female hair loss is less to be seen as compared to hair loss in men.
Alopecia Areata
This condition is responsible for hair loss in round patches. Apart from the head, Alopecia Areata causes hair fall on eyebrows, bread and any other body area where there is hair.
Usually, people have a 2.1% probability of suffering from alopecia areata. It has more chances of affecting you in childhood, and the leading causes that are deemed responsible for it are genes and environmental factors.
If you are suffering from this condition, you don’t have to worry about hair follicles as they aren’t damaged at all. Your hair can regrow, and for this, physicians carry out an inject therapy after every 4-6 weeks for around 6 months.
To have healthy hair strands and follicles, our body depends on multi-nutrients coming from various dietary resources. Proteins are considered to be a vital component of our hair. Likewise, vitamins and minerals enhance the growth cycle of the hair follicle.
You may all know that malnutrition and dietary deficiency, like insufficient intake of vitamins, lead to hair loss. Consuming a healthy and balanced diet full of micro-nutrients guarantees strong and healthy hair. Taking a nutritious diet can make your hairs look beautiful and prevent the following signs:
- Dryness
- Brittle hair shafts
- Dandruff
- Damaged strands
Lack of vitamin D
Vitamin D is known to stimulate hair follicles, resulting in the average growth of your hair. However, if you don’t intake the required amount of vitamin D, you are more prone to hair loss. According to research, the shortage of vitamin D is linked with alopecia areata.
People who suffer from stress and anxiety have more chances of hair thinning. This phenomenon is known as telogen effluvium. The hair fall caused by stress is a reversible phenomenon as people who get over their stressful time and condition starts experiencing hair back.
This cause of hair fall can be handled by Healthcare professionals who can help people lower stress via talking and behavioural therapies. According to experts, there are a number of natural remedies that you can use for lowering stress and anxiety, which in turn helps to control hair fall.
It is normal for pregnant women to experience hair loss. Once they are done with delivering of baby, the hairs grow back without any special treatment needed.

Treatment of hair loss
According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there are two drugs that can treat androgenetic alopecia. These drugs are:
- Minoxidil
- Finasteride
Minoxidil is a product that can be applied directly to the scalp, where you feel hairs are thinning. It comes in 2 and 55 treatments and is considered an effective option for androgenetic alopecia. It usually takes between 6-12 months for the hair to grow again, and it is recommended that you use minoxidil regularly, otherwise, hair loss cannot be controlled and will happen again.
Minoxidil comes with a huge benefit of hair regrowth, however, it has also got some cons too. These are:
- Skin irritation
- Contact dermatitis
- Skin irritation
- Excessive growth of hair
Finasteride or Propecia is a hair fall medicine that is used orally. 1 mg of it every day is prescribed to all those who are suffering from hair fall. It is for all those men who have used minoxidil but didn’t benefit from it.
Just like minoxidil, finasteride also comes with certain disadvantages like:
- Erectile dysfunction
- Decreased libido
- Gynecomastia is also known as swelling of breast tissue
Home remedies
Although a lot of home remedies are known to be effective for hair fall, not every one of them is backed by scientific research or FDA. This is why it is important to talk to your physician before trying a natural remedy.
Some homemade remedies that have shown promise against hair fall are discussed below.
Let start with a simple and balanced diet.
A well-balanced and multi-nutrient rich food is a wonderful resource for strengthening your hair and giving it much-needed health. Your hair health depends on things like proteins, multi-vitamins, fats and minerals. Studies based on natural remedies for hair have noticed that the following foods have improved hair growth lowered bald patches on the scalp.
- Eggs
- Brazil Nuts
- Fatty Fish
- Walnuts and almonds
Some vitamin D enriched foods
Ask any physician, and they will tell you that vitamin D deficiency is one of the major contributors to hair loss. And if you start consuming vitamin D enriched food, you are surely going to benefit a lot. Apart from exposing yourself to sunlight, certain foods will fuel your vitamin D needs. These are:
- Cheese
- Egg yolks
- Fatty fish
- Mushrooms
- Beef liver
- Milk
- Cereals
Essential oils
Essential oils and hair fall go hand in hand, and this match was made centuries ago but still going strong. These oils aren’t considered harmful; however, they aren’t fully backed by scientific research. Experts say it is better to dilute essential oils in carrier oils like jojoba and coconut oil. This helps to avoid irritation. Aromatherapy practitioners take the help of these following oils to counter hair fall and boost growth.
Rosemary Oil
Studies conducted on animals have found that rosemary oil is useful in enhancing blood flow, resulting in better scalp health. A healthy scalp means healthy and thick growth of hair. Research done in 2015 found the beneficial properties of rosemary oil for hair regrowth compared to 2% minoxidil.
After a trial period of 6 months, the participants who were applying rosemary oil to their scalp experienced the same results achieved by those who were using topical minoxidil. Both products resulted in significant hair growth.
Peppermint oil
Another promising oil used to combat hair thinning, peppermint oil, is known to boost blood circulation and help in hair regrowth. In a 2014 study conducted on mice, researchers found that peppermint oil, compared with minoxidil 3%, jojoba oil and saltwater showed the most effectivity against hair fall. It also showed more hair growth over 4 weeks than the other products used during the research.
Other oils deemed to be wondrous against hair fall and stimulate hair growth are:
- lavender oil
- tulsi oil
- cedarwood
- thyme oil
- mustard oil
Massaging your scalp gently using fingertips for 2-5 minutes after applying these essential oils improves blood flow in the scalp. This may result in the growth of hair.
PRP hair regrowth
If you are dealing with thinning hair, hair loss, or balding, then platelet-rich plasma is something you should really pay attention to. PRP therapy is a treatment that takes your own body by using your own platelets. These platelets have numerous growth factors that will help improve your hair condition and improve your hair’s thickness.
Platelet-rich plasma therapy helps enhance hair growth by taking Platelet-rich plasma from your own blood. The blood is then injected into the scalp, where it stimulates surrounding follicles. Over time, this process allows the hair to grow thicker and fuller than before. This treatment is particularly effective in thickening thinning hair that has become apparent due to environmental conditions or treatment of certain medical conditions.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection therapy is a minimally invasive treatment for hair loss and balding that has been proven effective by numerous clinical studies. Pioneered in the late nineties, PRP uses platelets rich in proteins called cytokines to boost new hair growth. The Follicle Growth Stimulating (FGS) effect of these injections has been documented to stimulate the natural regrowth of hair. The Follicular Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections work on both men and women.
Other natural remedies
A 2019 review of alternative treatments for alopecia showed us that below mentioned natural ingredients and remedies are fruitful if you are bothered by hair thinning or hair fall. These are:
- Capsaicin: it is mainly present in red chilli peppers
- Ginseng: a commonly found herb that is used to counter hair loss
- Garlic gel: its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties make it a perfect fit for hair loss and scalp care
- Onion juice: known to stimulate hair follicles
- Apples, cinnamon, and grapes: easily found in every household, these foods contain procyanidin, which is beneficial for the overall strength and health of hair
- Caffeine: it promotes cell proliferation and hair growth
This 2019 study also hints towards alternative medicine practices for hair growth. The reason why the below-mentioned practices are considered good for hair and scalp health is that they lower stress and anxiety levels.
- hypnotherapy
- acupuncture
- psychotherapy
Experienced physicians primarily diagnose hair thinning causes by observing the hair loss pattern. During the examination, the physicians may inquire the person about the following things:
- Current diet
- Pre-existing medical condition and medication
- Past medical history
- About genetic conditions (whether the hair fall was inherited or not)
- Any medical conditions that run in the family
- Stress and anxiety disorders
Here, the physician may get your hair and scalp tested at a laboratory. They may also ask you to go for blood tests so that they are sure against autoimmune conditions.
When should you consult your physician?
Hair loss or thinning isn’t always connected with the overall health condition. The best time to consult a doctor regarding hair thinning and hair fall is when it starts affecting their mental wellbeing and overall appearance (you should not neglect this factor).
Also, if you are one of those unfortunate people who start losing their hair without any known cause, contact your physician at the earliest. It may be due to any changes in your diet, or you may have started consuming supplements. Here, your physician may ask you to see a dermatologist as they are better positioned to determine the reason for hair loss and how they can overcome it.
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